
Product Concept

The AI mobile microdose medication app uses machine learning to personalize the microdosing schedule of your medication, based on your unique body and lifestyle. This can help you reduce side effects, improve the overall effectiveness of your medication, and achieve your health goals faster.

How it works


Example use cases

Sign up for our beta test to be the first to experience the benefits of AI-powered microdosing.

Harvard Medical School. "Small, Frequent Doses Of Caffeine Best Strategy For Staying Awake,

 According To New Study." Science Daily, 12 May 2004.

Czeisler and scientists at the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School 

Paracelsus stated that “dose differentiates a poison from a remedy”.

 That is why our technology must constantly monitor the individuals particular response.

Machine learning (ML — TensorFlow/Scikit-learn) and real time health data to tell the user when to microdose medications.

Access watch (wearOS 3 / iWatch) sensor data, health (Google Health Connect / Apple HealthKit) and even personal (calendar) information to determine the best time to dose a medication using our trained machine learning (ML) models.

Medication Product Concept

The AI mobile microdose medication app uses machine learning to analyze data from your smartwatch sensors, health records, and personal information to determine the best time to microdose your medication. This technology has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by better understanding the ADME/Tox response, making medications more effective and reducing side effects.

How it works

1. Connect your smartwatch and health data to our mobile app.

2. Our app collects your physiological data, such as blood sugar, heart rate, hydration, sleep patterns, and activity levels.

3. We also collect your personal information, such as your calendar schedule and stress levels.

4. Our advanced machine learning models (still under active research) analyze all of this data to determine the best time to microdose your medication.

5. Our app sends you timely notifications for medication intake.


Example use cases

Pitch Deck HummingBirdFuel

Pitch Deck

Project Details

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